How I learnt spirituality from my non-spiritual husband

My husband, Alex, is as far away from meditation and spirituality as any person can be. He has simple needs and doesn't wonder about and ask deep life questions. If he can just do his work and have fun with people he loves, he is happy. If you asked him what made him happy, you … Continue reading How I learnt spirituality from my non-spiritual husband

Stranded & helpless in China at midnight!!! But we still felt powerful.

This is going to be a nice adventure story, so hang on till the end for the best part 😉 So there we were, all happy and excited in Beijing, having finished visiting most of its sights, having soaked in some diverse experiences, and ready to move on to the next adventure! But before that, … Continue reading Stranded & helpless in China at midnight!!! But we still felt powerful.

When pain knocked me out, and I woke up to some harsh truths

Ever been in gut-wrenching pain, that made your face all crinkly? Ever tried to move your body parts, and have it refuse to listen, like a broken toy? Ever gave your full energy to conduct a simple everyday habit, and failed miserably? No? Lucky, lucky, you! And pray till kingdom comes, that you never know … Continue reading When pain knocked me out, and I woke up to some harsh truths

Enough with the fear. Time to show all your colors :)

Life is a roller coaster. Sometimes things are at a high, sometimes they come crashing down. Sometimes there is joy, exuberance, joy, laughter. Sometimes there is despair, tears, and things fall apart. As the French sigh and say reflectively, c'est la vie. Why then, are you so open and proud of all the good things … Continue reading Enough with the fear. Time to show all your colors ðŸ™‚