My instant happiness and energy boosts…nope, it’s not food ;)

Feeling low about something? Discouraged/ upset?Β Or just...blaaah? You know, those times when you don't really feel anything, but are not feeling super charged either? Maybe you're just going about life, doing things, solving problems, getting chores off your never-ending to-do lists. Doesn't matter where you are currently, or how you feel. You can get happy … Continue reading My instant happiness and energy boosts…nope, it’s not food πŸ˜‰

Kindness, even from strangers, can make everything bright :)

In a consumer world, we encounter many different kinds of salepersons in stores. A few days ago, I met 2 extreme kinds. I had to get some printing and binding done in Aachen, so I went to a shop called Face, known for special printing. They said they couldn't deliver exactly what I wanted, just … Continue reading Kindness, even from strangers, can make everything bright πŸ™‚

Why and how, even being a perfectionist, I gave up on perfection

They say Virgos are perfectionists. As someone of that sun sign, I had no trouble believing that about myself from an early age! I tried to maintain very high standards of both quality and quantity of work, pushed myself constantly to achieve those standards, and I was actually very proud about that! In interviews, when … Continue reading Why and how, even being a perfectionist, I gave up on perfection

If life gives you lemons, don’t just make lemonade, say yayyyyyyy!!!

Ok so the only seemingly 'negative' thing about lemons, is that they are bitter. But besides that, are you kidding me? It has soooo many awesome uses, it is unbelievable! These are all that you can do with it...speaking from experience πŸ˜‰ Have a tequila πŸ˜‰ Use it with baking soda as a natural, effective … Continue reading If life gives you lemons, don’t just make lemonade, say yayyyyyyy!!!